Dr. Lamisa Rahman

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Research Interests
Researcher, Team Lead, PPDS Media & Communication
Dr. Lamisa Rahman

Passionate researcher with nearly 4 years of comprehensive experience, currently serving as the Team Lead for the Media and Communication Team at the Public Health Promotion and Development Society (PPDS). As a former Research Associate at North South University, she actively contributed to national and international projects, demonstrating proficiency in grant proposal writing, data collection, entry, and analysis using SPSS. Her collaborative skills were honed at the Global Public Health Research Foundation (GPHRF), where she conducted quality and risk assessments, data extraction, and led a project on “mHealth.”

At the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b), she gained expertise in data entry using ODK Collect and qualitative data transcription. Additionally, her role as a Senior Research Assistant at the GPHRF involved training enumerators, designing questionnaires using Survey Solutions software, and ensuring data integrity through STATA.

Furthermore, she served as a Research Assistant at Hitotsubashi University and contributed as a Consultant on a systematic review study at the Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study. Notably, she presented an abstract at the 2nd International Conference on Genomics, Nanotech, and Bioengineering in 2022.

Currently immersed in a qualitative formative study on BHW at the Center of Excellence for Health Systems and Universal Health Coverage (CoEHS&UHC), BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University, she showcases versatility and competence in database screening, full-text review, quality assessment, and data preparation.

As the Team Lead of PPDS’s Media and Communication Team, she exercises control over social media handles and the website, contributing significantly to public health promotion and development initiatives. Her multifaceted experiences reflect a commitment to advancing research and promoting health systems and universal health coverage.

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Research activities
Peer-review Articles

Koly KN, Muzaffar R, Monisha UK, Saba J, Rahman L, Billah MA, Das J, Rozars MF, Alam N, Chowdhury S, Abdullah R. Prevalence of insomnia among the post-menopausal women who suffered from COVID-19 in Bangladesh: A nationwide cross-sectional study. Heliyon. 2023 Mar 1;9(3).

Tasneem Chowdhury, A., Siddiqua, S.R., Rahman, L., Hossian, M. and Nabi, M.H., 2022. Internet addiction during COVID-19 restricted movement period: a cross-sectional study from Bangladesh. F1000Research, 11, p.519.

Other Publications

1. Community Health Care Providers: Our unsung health heroes (2023). The Daily Star. Link: https://www.thedailystar.net/opinion/views/news/community-health-care-providers-our-unsung-health-heroes-3438881