Standing with Humanity: PPDS Volunteer Efforts in Flood Relief

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Standing with Humanity: PPDS Volunteer Efforts in Flood Relief

At Public Health Promotion & Development Society (PPDS), we are committed to supporting those in need, especially during times of crisis. In response to the recent floods, PPDS has mobilized its resources and members’ donations to provide aid to flood-affected communities.

Our support is not just a one-time effort; we are dedicated to offering continuous assistance based on the evolving needs of those impacted, with a special focus on medical care and rehabilitation. Together, we strive to bring relief and hope to those who need it most during this difficult time.

This initiative is a testament to our mission to stand by humanity, reflecting our core values of compassion, community service, and public health promotion.

Join us in making a difference!
#Publichealthpromotionanddevelopmentsociety #ppdsresearch #ppdssince2020 #ppds_support #bdflood #floodsupport