Afrin, S., Nasrullah, S.M., Dalal, K., Tasnim, Z., Benzadid, M.S., Humayra, F., Saif-Ur-Rahman, K.M. and Hawlader, M.D.H., 2022. Mental health status of adolescents in-home quarantine: a multi-region, cross-sectional study during COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh. BMC psychology, 10(1), pp.1-12.

Afrin, S., Nasrullah, S.M., Dalal, K., Tasnim, Z., Benzadid, M.S., Humayra, F., Saif-Ur-Rahman, K.M. and Hawlader, M.D.H., 2022. Mental health status of adolescents in-home quarantine: a multi-region, cross-sectional study during COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh. BMC psychology, 10(1), pp.1-12.