Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding antimicrobial resistance among Nursing Student in Bangladesh

KAP study on antimicrobial resistance among nursing students

This cross-sectional study delves into the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice (KAP) regarding antimicrobial resistance (AMR) among nursing students in Bangladesh. Targeting both government and non-government institutions across all administrative divisions, the research employs a stratified convenient sampling method. A pretested structured questionnaire guides the data collection, aiming to assess 729 nursing students’ perspectives on antibiotic use. The findings are crucial, given that these students represent the future frontline caregivers, emphasizing the significance of understanding and combating AMR at its root level.

Authors/Reserachers Involved in this Project:
Mohammad Hayatun Nabi, Dr. Mohammad Lutfor Rahman, Md Abdullah Saeed Khan, Md Utba Rashid, Mohammad Ali Hossain, KM Tanvir, Miah Md. Akiful Haque, Mosharop Hossian, Mehedi Hasan, Sabrina Yesmin Barsha, Jannatul Mawa Joya, Sabrina Afroz, Tahmina Zerin Mishu, Dr. Lamisa Rahman, Mohammad Delwer Hossain Hawlader

Project Details

Project Type:
Start Date: October 2021
Expected End Date: October 2022
Site: Both Government and Non-Government Nursing Institutes from all eight administrative divisions of Bangladesh.
Study Population: Second and third-year students of Government and Non-government BSc and Diploma Nursing Institutes. Subjects fulfilling the specified inclusion and exclusion criteria will be selected for interview.