Knowledge and attitude among Bangladeshi Healthcare Workers regarding the Management and Infection Prevention and Control of Nipah Virus

KAP study on the management and IPC of Nipah viral disease

In this study, the primary objective was to assess the level of knowledge, attitude, and preparedness of healthcare workers in managing and preventing the spread of Ebola Viral Disease. The researchers recruited 455 participants from different regions in Bangladesh using a multistage sampling technique. The study was essential in evaluating the readiness of healthcare facilities to deal with the Ebola virus, particularly during an ongoing outbreak in Uganda, and identifying any gaps or misconceptions among healthcare professionals.

Authors/Reserachers Involved in this Project:
Tariful Islam, M. Rashidul Bari, Atia Piku, Archi Mutsuddi , Mehedi Hasan, Sayla Sultana, Arpita Goutam , Alberi afifa shifat, Nur-E-Safa Meem , Md Faisal Kabir Rozars, Fahima Nasrin, Naifa Enam, Mohammad Hayatun Nabi, Mohammad Lutfor Rahman, Mohammad Delwer Hossain Hawlader

Project Details

Project Type:
Start Date: April 2022
Expected End Date: May 2023
Site: Both Government and Non-Government Hralthcare Facilities of Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna and Rangpur divisions.
Study Population: Healrhcare workers working in the selteced primary, secondary and trertiary level hospitals