Acceptance of HPV Vaccine among the Parents of Eligible Daughters in Bangladesh A Nationwide Study using Health Belief Model

Acceptance of HPV vaccine among the parents

The study was a pioneer and the first nationwide study that surveyed 2154 Bangladeshi parents of 9-15-year-old daughters across all eight divisions to assess HPV vaccine acceptance before its launch and integration with the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI).

Authors/Reserachers Involved in this Project:
Fahima Nasrin Eva, Md. Abdullah Saeed Khan, Tariful Islam, Umme Kulsum Monisha, Nur-E-Safa Meem, Mohammad Ali Hossain, Arpita Goutam, Tahmina Zerin, Nishat Alam, Rima Nath, Shamma Sifat, Sayla Sultana, Mosammat Sadeka Sultana, Sumit Kumar Saha, Naifa Enam Sarker, Mohammad Lutfor Rahman, Mohammad Hayatun Nabi, Mohammad Delwer Hossain Hawlader

Project Details

Project Type:
Start Date: June 2023
Expected End Date: November 2023
Site: 42 districts, covering all eight divisions of Bangladesh
Study Population: Citizens of Bangladesh who were at least 18 years old