Peer-reviewed Articles

Mutsuddi, A., Das, J., Tashrik, S., Ara, R. and Hawlader, M.D.H., 2022. Effect of vitamin and mineral supplementation on nutritional status in children with chronic kidney disease: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine, 101(43).

Amin, M.A., Nahin, S. and Hawlader, M.D.H., 2022. Persistent headaches sometimes concern incidental findings: A rare case of internal jugular vein agenesis in a 32‐year‐old man. Clinical Case Reports, 10(10), p.e6423.

Amin, M.A., Khan, I.I., Nahin, S., Bonna, A.S., Afrin, S. and Hawlader, M.D.H., 2022. COVID‐19 hospitalization with later long COVID in a person with Down syndrome. Clinical Case Reports, 10(10), p.e6425.

Amin, M.A., Mozid, N.E., Ahmed, S.B., Sharmin, S., Monju, I.H., Jhumur, S.S., Sarker, W., Dalal, K. and Hawlader, M.D.H., 2022. Status of female sexual dysfunction among postmenopausal women in Bangladesh. BMC Women’s Health, 22(1), p.401.

Nath, S.D., Islam, A.K., Majumder, K., Rimti, F.H., Das, J., Tabassum, M.N., Oishee, A.N., Mahmood, T., Paul, M., Akhter, M. and Bhadra, A.B., 2022. Assessment of knowledge on human monkeypox virus among general population in Bangladesh: a nationwide cross-sectional study. Medrxiv, pp.2022-08.

Amin, M.A., Nahin, S., Bonna, A.S. and Hawlader, M.D.H., 2022. Case Report: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma has metastasis to the orbit, consequences in anaemia: A paediatric unusual case of Bangladesh. F1000Research, 11, p.766.

Rahman, M.A., Sagar, S.K., Dalal, K., Barsha, S.Y., Ara, T., Khan, M.A.S., Saha, S., Sarmin, T., Hossian, M., Nabi, M.H. and Rahman, M.L., 2022. Quality of life among health care workers with and without prior COVID-19 infection in Bangladesh. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), p.823.

Hossain, M.A., Rashid, M.U., Barsha, S.Y., Khan, M.A.S., Haque, M.M.A., Rahman, M.L., Hossian, M., Bhuiyan, A.M., Nabi, M.H. and Hawlader, M.D.H., 2022. Case Report: Acute myocardial infarction with acute left ventricular failure and acute renal damage following mRNA-1273 vaccination: Possible adverse effect of COVID-19 vaccination?. F1000Research, 11, p.617.

Roy, S., Iktidar, M.A., Chowdhury, S., Islam, A.K., Deb, A., Chowdhury, S., Rahman, S., Medha, M.B., Gupta, A.D., Tasnim, A. and Ara, R., 2022. Prevalence of dermatological manifestations due to face mask use and its associated factors during COVID-19 among the general population of Bangladesh: A nationwide cross-sectional survey. Plos one, 17(6), p.e0269922.

Chowdhury, S., Roy, S., Hasan, M., Sadique, A.A., Islam, T., Hasan, M., Arafat, M.Y., Bhuiyan, M.A.R., Islam, A.K., Khalid, O. and Maliha, R., 2022. Oral health knowledge, practice, and oral health status among rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh: A cross-sectional study. Plos one, 17(6), p.e0269359.