Awareness about cervical cancer and its socio-economic determinants among adults in Bangladesh- Result from a nationwide survey.

Awareness about cervical cancer and its socio-economic determinants among adults

The study found that 80.15% of adults in Bangladesh were aware of cervical cancer, with healthcare workers being the primary source of information. Married and urban residents with higher education levels and incomes had the most heightened awareness. Healthcare workers had a 98.91% awareness rate, and regular health checkups increased awareness. Higher education levels predicted greater awareness, while men and unmarried individuals had lower awareness. Higher-income was also positively correlated with higher awareness rates.

Authors/Reserachers Involved in this Project:
Tariful Islam, Md. Abdullah Saeed Khan, Fahima Nasrin Eva, Umme Kulsum Monisha, Nur-E-Safa Meem, Mohammad Ali Hossain, Arpita Goutam, Tahmina Zerin, Nishat Alam, Rima Nath, Shamma Sifat, Sayla Sultana, Mosammat Sadeka Sultana, Sumit Kumar Saha, Naifa Enam Sarker, Mohammad Lutfor Rahman, Mohammad Hayatun Nabi, Mohammad Delwer Hossain Hawlader

Project Details

Project Type:
Start Date: June 2023
Expected End Date: November 2023
Site: 42 districts, covering all eight divisions of Bangladesh
Study Population: Citizens of Bangladesh who were at least 18 years old