The Prevalence, Hygiene Practices, and Pattern of Headphone Use Among Students and Its Relationship to Hearing Loss

Headphone use among students and its relationship to hearing loss

This study aimed to determine the prevalence and usage patterns of earphones and its association with hearing loss in public university students. A structured questionnaire was used to interview 2023 students which contained socio-demographic variables, pattern of use of earphones, hygiene practice and a 17-scale hearing loss questionnaire. From our study, it is evident that excessive use of earphones is associated with hearing difficulties among students.

Authors/Reserachers Involved in this Project:
Shamaila Alamgir, Md. Abdullah Saeed Khan, Miah Md. Akiful Haque, Mehedi Hasan, Sabiha Hyder, Habiba Babul, Md Faisal Kabir Rozars, Irin Chowdhury , Tahmina Zerin Mishu, Mohammad Delwer Hossain Hawlader, Mohammad Hayatun Nabi

Project Details

Project Type:
Start Date: February 2022
Expected End Date: June 2022
Site: 10 public universities situated in eight administrative divisions of Bangladesh.
Study Population: Currently studying Undergraduate and Graduate university students